How to Remove Page Breaks and Section Breaks in Google Docs

Google Docs is a powerful word processing tool that allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents from anywhere with an internet connection. While working on a document, you may have added page breaks or section breaks to help with formatting or organization. However, there may come a time when you need to remove them. In this article, we will discuss how to remove page breaks and section breaks in Google Docs.

What are Page Breaks and Section Breaks in Google Docs?

Page breaks and section breaks are tools that can be used to control the layout and formatting of your document. They help to separate content and allow you to insert new pages or sections within a document. Here's what each break does:

  • Page breaks: A page break is used to separate content onto a new page. It's often used to control the flow of text, images, and other elements.
  • Section breaks: A section break is used to separate content into different sections within a document. This can be useful for changing page orientation, margins, or columns.

How to Remove Page Breaks and Section Breaks in Google Docs

If you have page breaks or section breaks in your document that you no longer need, you can easily remove them. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the Google Docs document that contains the page or section break you want to remove.
  2. Place your cursor just before the break you want to remove.
  3. Press the "Backspace" key on your keyboard. This will delete the break and merge the text on either side of it.
  4. Repeat this process for any additional page or section breaks you want to remove.

If you want to remove all the page breaks or section breaks in your document, you can use the "Find and Replace" function. Here's how:

  1. Open the Google Docs document that contains the page or section breaks you want to remove.
  2. Click on "Edit" in the menu bar, then select "Find and Replace" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the "Find" field, type "Page break" or "Section break" depending on the type of break you want to remove.
  4. Leave the "Replace with" field blank.
  5. Click on "Replace all" to remove all the page breaks or section breaks in your document.

Note: Removing page breaks or section breaks can affect the layout and formatting of your document, so be sure to check your document after removing the breaks to ensure everything is still properly formatted.


Page breaks and section breaks can be helpful tools when formatting your Google Docs document, but they can also be a nuisance if you no longer need them. With the steps outlined above, you can easily remove any unnecessary breaks and ensure your document is formatted just the way you want it.

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