How to make your Facebook Account Private

 Facebook is a social media site that has quite a lot of active users spread all over the world. Social media allows its users to get to know each other and interact with each other. Users on social media sites such as Facebook can be open with one another.But unfortunately, not all Facebook users want this. Many also want to maintain their privacy.

By utilizing one of Facebook's features, you can actually manage Facebook privacy easily. In contrast to Instagram, where many users take advantage of the private account feature, it turns out that many Facebook users are still confused and don't know about Facebook privacy.

In fact, the privacy features on Facebook are much more complete than those on Instagram. Whereas the Facebook privacy feature allows you to limit who sees the most recent posts and who sees old posts, you can also limit Facebook accounts that are difficult to find.

How to Private Facebook Account

By utilizing the privacy features on Facebook, your account will be difficult to detect and, of course, more private. Of course, this way, only friends who know about your life on social media will know what you approve of.

For those of you who are confused about how to privately view an account on Facebook, it's not wrong for you to open this article. Because Bela will attempt to explain in detail how to privacy Facebook accounts in this article.The steps below will show you how to quickly and easily set up Facebook accounts for privacy.

Restriction on Who Can SeeRecent Posts

To keep your Facebook account private, you can limit who can see your latest posts. You can limit it to only a few friends or even only certain Facebook groups. Immediately, here's how:

  • Open the settings menu on Facebook.
  • Click the "Privacy" menu on the left sidebar.
  • Then you see the word "activity" and look for the word "who can see your future posts?"
  • All you have to do is edit it and change the visibility to "public," "friends, certain friends," and "only me."

You can set your recent posts to be seen only by anyone in the settings menu. If you change it to "public," then everyone can see the latest posts, and vice versa.

Restriction on Who Can See Old Posts

In addition to limiting who can see your most recent posts, you can also limit who can see your older posts in the FB feature.This way, other people will have a hard time seeing old posts, making your account more private. Just follow these steps:

  • Open the settings menu on Facebook.
  • Click the "Privacy" menu on the left sidebar.
  • Then you see the words "activity" and look for the words "limit audience to posts you've shared with friends of friends or the public?"
  • You just click "limit old posts."

Now your old posts on Facebook are automatically restricted and can only be seen by your friends. Apart from that, you can make your account even more private by using this third method.

Create a hard-to-find Facebook account

One way to make your Facebook account more private is to make it harder to find. If you prefer to use this method to keep your account private, simply follow the method below.

  • Go to your Facebook account settings.
  • Click the "Privacy" menu on the left sidebar.
  • Then you see the words "how people find and contact you?"
  • Under "Who can look for you using the phone number you provided?" Initially, everyone just changes according to your wishes.
  • Then, under the section titled "Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?" you choose "no."

These are the three options for making your Facebook account more private. You can do this on an Android or an iPhone. If you have questions, please write them in the comments column. Good luck!

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